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Company address: 7 Waterside, Station Road, Harpenden
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Any Questions?
You can use it daily! We recommend applying the serum before bed as skin cells regenerate during sleep this is said to happen during the “golden hours” of the night which means from 11.00 pm to 4.00am. Our serum can also use in the morning to start the day off with a glow and act ask a dewy makeup primer!
As often as you like! Our butter can be used once or reapplied throughout the day and just before bed
Yes! Our 24k Gold serum contains genuine 24k Gold Leaf
Yes! Gold helps boost the microcirculation of the skin leaving it energised and radiant (As well as making our products look amazing!)
The slight grittiness is little spheres of hyaluronic acid, as it is an active ingredient. They will melt pretty instantly into the lips on application
Within 3 working days
Yes! Our Hyaluronic Acid Lip Butter and 24K Gold serum are both vegan
Yes! Our Hyaluronic Acid Lip Butter and 24K Gold serum are both palm oil free